I added some clarification to the manual on that point. Thanks for
pointing out it was a confusing!

best wishes,

Loris Bennett writes:

> Hi Detlef,
> Thanks for the information.  After removing the bibliography and
> bibliographystyle, everything seems to work.  I think I was confused by
> the following line from the org-ref manual:
>   For LaTeX export a bibliography and bibliographystyle link is /required/.
> Are they only required if I am *not* using biblatex, or, if I *am* using
> biblatex, are some org-ref goodies not going to work if I don't have
> them?
> Cheers,
> Loris
> Detlef Steuer <ste...@unibw-hamburg.de> writes:
>> Hi!
>> Look here:
>> https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/5091/what-to-do-to-switch-to-biblatex
>> In short \bibliographystyle and biblatex don't match.
>> Hope that helps
>> Detlef
>> Am Thu, 13 Jul 2017 08:27:17 +0200
>> schrieb "Loris Bennett" <loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de>:
>>> Hi John,
>>> Thanks for the pointer.  I think some of the errors I was getting were
>>> due having old temporary files (aux, bcf, ...) lying around and then
>>> switching between natbib and biblatex.
>>> Following the org-ref manual I now have
>>> \usepackage[citestyle=authoryear-icomp,bibstyle=authoryear,
>>> hyperref=true,backref=true,maxcitenames=3,url=true,backend=biber,natbib=true]
>>> {biblatex}
>>> and then use
>>>   bibliographystyle:authoryear
>>> I'm now just getting the following error:
>>>   ! Package biblatex Error: '\bibliographystyle' invalid.
>>> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Loris
>>> John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:
>>> > org-ref should work fine for biblatex, but the setup for biblatex in
>>> > the org file is a bit different than for bibtex.
>>> >
>>> > The org-ref manual can be opened by running M-x org-ref-help. Go to
>>> > the ** biblatex users heading. Hopefully that is clear enough to
>>> > help. If not, let me know what is missing.
>>> >
>>> > Best wishes,
>>> >
>>> > John
>>> >
>>> > -----------------------------------
>>> > Professor John Kitchin 
>>> > Doherty Hall A207F
>>> > Department of Chemical Engineering
>>> > Carnegie Mellon University
>>> > Pittsburgh, PA 15213
>>> > 412-268-7803
>>> > @johnkitchin
>>> > http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 9:59 AM, Loris Bennett
>>> > <loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >  Hi,
>>> >
>>> >  Does org-ref work with BibLaTeX?
>>> >
>>> >  With org-ref, I have an MWE using natbib that works:
>>> >
>>> >  #+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper, 11pt]
>>> >  #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{natbib}
>>> >
>>> >  #+TITLE: MWE
>>> >
>>> >  * Introduction
>>> >
>>> >  This MWE was found on the internet (see cite:Botha).
>>> >
>>> >  bibliographystyle:abbrvnat
>>> >  bibliography:file.bib
>>> >
>>> >  with 'file.bib' being
>>> >
>>> >  @Online{Botha,
>>> >  author = {Charl Botha},
>>> >  title = {From org file with local bibtex to LaTeX and PDF},
>>> >  date = {2017-02-20},
>>> >  url =
>>> > {https://vxlabs.com/2017/02/20/from-org-file-with-local-bibtex-to-latex-and-pdf/},
>>> >  }
>>> >
>>> >  For org-latex-pdf-process, I'm using the following:
>>> >
>>> >  ("latexmk -g -pdf -pdflatex=\"%latex\" -shell-escape -outdir=%o
>>> > %f")
>>> >
>>> >  However, if I try to replace natbib by BibLaTeX via
>>> >
>>> >  #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{biblatex}
>>> >  #+LATEX_HEADER: \addbibresource{file.bib}
>>> >
>>> >  bibliographystyle:alphabetic
>>> >  bibliography:file.bib
>>> >
>>> >  I get errors about the style being invalid and the \bibliography
>>> > only being allowed in the preamble.
>>> >
>>> >  So if it should work, does anyone have a MWE for org-ref with
>>> > BibLaTeX?
>>> >
>>> >  Cheers,
>>> >
>>> >  Loris
>>> >
>>> >  --
>>> >  This signature is currently under construction.
>>> >
>>> >  


Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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