Good morning,

I'm happily exporting an Org-Mode document to LaTeX using the nifty
`letterine' package. An example is attached. Writing using it has been
so fun that naturally now I want to export it both to text and HTML.
My source document looks like this for reference and all of this works

> start
#+TITLE: A Poem Title
#+OPTIONS: num:nil
#+LATEX: \pagenumbering{gobble}

@@latex:\lettrine[lines=1]{T}{this}@@ is line 1.

@@latex:\lettrine[lines=1]{H}{ere}@@ is line 2.

@@latex:\lettrine[lines=1]{O}{ver}@@ there is line 3.
> end

Now I'm left be wondering how I can using a single document and export
it correctly to LaTeX, HTML and text. Here are some ideas I came up

- Write the same line two times, one for each exporter. Redundant but
it would work.
- Use a source block that takes a line of text, checks the type of
exporter running, and returns an appropriate markup then on export it
works right.
- Maybe there is a macro for this?
- I'm out of ideas

My Internet search results found a lot of answers about easy stuff.
However this article

looked interesting. I haven't started coding anything up yet and I
wanted to talk to you before that.

Thank you.

Attachment: poem.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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