I just checked and situation is absurd. Here is the minimal example:
| #+begin_src matlab   :results output latex :exports results 
| X=[1];
| disp('\begin{displaymath}')
| fprintf('X&=%g\\\\ \n', X)
| disp('\end{displaymath}')
| #+end_src
| #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex
| \begin{displaymath}
| X&=1\\ 
| \end{displaymath}

When I set org-export-babel-evaluate nil, then the code is *not*
evaluated, *but* the code block *and* the result are exported.
| \begin{document}
 ,caption= ,captionpos=b,numbers=none}
| \begin{lstlisting}
| X=[1];
| disp('\begin{displaymath}')
| fprintf('X&=%g\\\\ \n', X)
| disp('\end{displaymath}')
| \end{lstlisting}
| \begin{displaymath}
| X&=1\\ 
| \end{displaymath}
| \end{document}

When I set org-export-babel-evaluate to t, export but say no to the
question whether or not to evaluate, *only* the result is exported,
which is what I want.
| \begin{document}
| \begin{displaymath}
| X&=1\\ 
| \end{displaymath}
| \end{document}

Is this a *bug*? I wait a day, then I will file a bug report.

Uwe Brauer 

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