Dear Adam,
>>>>> Adam Porter <> writes:

    > I don't mean this in a snide way, but do you keep your config in
    > version control?  e.g. if you have it stored in git, you can
    > bisect it and find the change that caused the problem.

    > Other than that, you can probably find the problem using the
    > bug-hunter package.  It can bisect your init file and find the
    > lisp form that's causing it.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I may be missing something. My
emacs init has not changed. My org keyword settings have worked for a
few years satisfactorily - until that is today. I think I need to bisect
org-mode to find the case? I've tried reverting a couple of recent
org-mode commits but to no avail.

Best wishes,


Colin Baxter
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