On 08/10/2017 11:35 AM, Richard Lawrence wrote:> Hi Scott,
> Scott Randby <sran...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I tried this in the properties associated with a subtree: 
>> :export_latex_header: 
>> \hypersetup{pdfauthor={foo},pdftitle={foo},pdfsubject={foo},pdfkeywords={foo},pdfproducer={foo},pdfcreator={foo}}
>>  Unfortunately, all the other LaTeX headers are unrecognized when I do this.
> If you put the subtree-specific hypersetup in each subtree's 
> EXPORT_LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA property, and the common stuff in #+LATEX_HEADER 
> lines, I think it should do what you want.  Org should combine these 
> properties rather than using the subtree property to override the global 
> ones.  Hope that helps!

Works perfectly. Thanks.


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