On Sunday, 13 Aug 2017 at 08:33, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> I would like to execute some matlab code in org file (using GNU emacs 26
> and the git version of org mode) and save the result of the plot command
> in a png file, so I tried


> #+begin_src matlab :results output latex :exports results  :file testplot.png
> t=[0:0.1:1];
> y=sin(t);
> plot(t,y)
> print -dpng  testplot.png 
> #+end_src

Maybe try with ":results file" instead of "output latex"?  Works for
octave (I don't have MATLAB).  That is:

#+begin_src matlab :results file :exports results  :file testplot.png

: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 26.0.50, Org release_9.0.9-551-g92e8c8

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