Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

> Hi
> Using org (git version) GNU emacs 26 on Ubuntu 14.04,
> following
> http://orgmode.org/manual/Working-with-LaTeX-math-snippets.html#fn-2
> I have set
> (setq org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command
>                 "/usr/bin/latexmlmath \"%i\" --presentationmathml=%o")
> Latexmlmath is installed of course.
> I try to convert the following file to odt with mathml
> #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:t
> This 
> \begin{equation}
> \label{eq:aned-ex:1}
> \begin{cases}
>   y^{\prime}&= -2000(y-\cos(t))\\
>    y_0&=0 \qquad 0\leq t \leq 1.5
>  \end{cases}
> \end{equation}
> But the equation is just exported as ASCII code. What do I miss?

I think that happens when there’s an error.

Do you see the help message when you run latexmlmath from the commandline?

Perhaps you need to load some modules manually?  See the latexml manual


Can latexml create a proper mathml version if you provide a "full" latex
file with the equation and the right packages?


Er du tosset for noge' lårt!

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