On 2017-09-13 20:58 +03, Jorge Morais Neto <jorge13...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How about a diary-style sexp entry, with org-class?  That is, something
> like ~<%%(org-class 2017 7 31 2018 3 23 1)>~.  That example would appear
> on the agenda on every Monday between 2017-07-31 and 2018-03-23.

Thanks a lot, this in combination with the hours of the event in the
title (I didn't know that this worked) works nicely in Org Agenda, but
unfortunately such entries do not get exported to ICS, which is
important for me.  It seems to me that my only option ATM is what Eric S
Fraga pointed, but that's rather tedious as things like lessons change
during the year (different classrooms, time changes).


> Regards

İ. Göktuğ Kayaalp              http://www.gkayaalp.com/index.html
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