org-clock-report is awesome; however, it reports time spent on each task.
Is there any custom command that you use to generate a clock report *showing
hours worked, across tasks, for each day*?

The trouble I've encountered is that, I file my TODO captures under a
file+datetree entry. For example, one TODO task might be filed on Day -2,
but I could be working on it -- i.e., clocking in and out -- on Day -2, -1,
and today. So generating a table naively will just show something like:

#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 4 :scope file :block thisweek
#+CAPTION: Clock summary at [2017-09-23 Sat 11:48], for week 2017-W38.
| Headline                              | Time      |         |       |       |
| *Total time*                          | *1d 0:12* |         |       |       |
| 2017                                  | 1d 0:12   |         |       |       |
| \_  2017-09 September                 |           | 1d 0:12 |       |       |
| \_    2017-09-11 Monday               |           |         |  1:23 |       |
| \_      look into AAA BBBB project    |           |         |       |
| \_    2017-09-15 Friday               |           |         |  3:33 |       |
| \_      look into XXX YYYY project    |           |         |       |  3:33 |

Note that the second TODO task was filed under 2017-09-15 Friday, which was
the date I entered the task. But really, I might have worked on it on
Friday, Saturday, etc. I just want another command to show how many hours
I've worked on each day, generating a report such as the following:

2017-09-11 Monday     xx hours yy mins worked (across all tasks)
2017-09-15 Friday     zz hours tt mins worked (across all tasks)

Thanks in advance.

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