Matt Lundin <> writes:

> After commit 51b431d01365211d4c40b07729d5d11d82b9dfe2,
> org-capture-templates containing %^t do not work as expected.
> The relevant capture template snippet looks like this:
> (setq org-capture-templates
>       '(("a" "Appointment" entry (file "~/") "* %^{Appt}\n %^t%?\n 
> %U\n
> %a\n\n %i")))
> With this capture template, I am prompted to enter a time via
> org-read-date. The expected behavior is as follows:
>  - if I enter a date and time of day, the resulting timestamp should 
>    contain the time of day:
>      - i.e., entering "Thu 8am" should yield "<2017-10-05 Thu 08:00>"
> What happens now:
>  - when I enter a date with a time of day, the timestamp is truncated
>    and contains only a date
>      - I.e., entering "Thu 8am" now yields "<2017-10-05 Thu>"

There is a further bug here. With the capture template above, if I enter
a time range - i.e., an end time - the timestamp in the capture buffer
is incorrect.

Entering... "Thu 8am-10am" yields...

 <2017-10-05 Thu-10:00>


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