On 10/10/2017 08:42 PM, Richard Lawrence wrote:
> Hi John,
> John Goerzen <jgoer...@complete.org> writes:
>> Unfortunately, org-mode only recognizes the PROPERTIES when they
>> occur immediately after the headline.  So whenever I take an action
>> on an item like this, the properties become invisible to org-mode.   
> What version of Org are you running?  This sounds like old behavior
> (or maybe a problematic mix of new and old behavior). PROPERTIES
> drawer syntax changed (incompatibly) in 8.3; see
> http://orgmode.org/Changes_old.html.
Hi Richard,

Thanks for the reply!  I have 9.0.3.  (Bit embarrassed I omitted that
detail, sigh.)

So the documentation says PROPERTIES can be after a "planning line",
shich seems to be DEADLINE: or SCHEDULED: but not necessarily CLOSED:.

I attempted to validate this, both by evaulating (org-id-get) on the
spot and by using C-c l (which was what caused the problem to begin
with; it added a second PROPERTIES block, as I have
org-id-link-to-org-use-id set to 'create-if-interactive).  Now somehow I
cannot duplicate the problem.  So I don't know what the heck happened --
I know it DID happen -- but it's possible this is a PEBKAC issue anyhow.

I cannot make it misbehave with either SCHEDULED or CLOSED in my testing

- John

> If you are running an older version, may want to try upgrading and
> then running the org-repair-property-drawers function defined on that
> page.
> Hope that helps!
> Best,
> Richard

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