Personally, I don't think running it inside a browser would be a good
thing... both for keyboard shortcuts, and also for possible issues of
non-free JS (or not-machine-readable free JS information).

However, it's good to have interoperability with other collaborative
editing tools, such as Gobby for which there is already an Emacs Lisp
package for that, and also Etherpad (although I don't know if there is a
package that allows connecting to this one).

Olivier Berger <> writes:

> Hi.
> I've had this crazy idea to try and "port" emacs to the Web browser
> (using some tools like [[][browsix]]), for the
> purpose of running org-mode inside a browser tab.
> Anyone having had the same idea yet ?
> Interestingly, porting a C program to browsix currently seem to rely on
> emscripten and LLVM... which might not be the best toolchain for
> building Gnu Emacs... but trolls aside, I'd be curious of the
> feasability.
> I'm not exactly sure why that would be worth doing... but I can imagine
> running that Emacs Web browser port over some kind of versioned file
> system, and Emacs conf files (org + tangling, of course), so that you
> have "your" org-mode at hand from anywhere using a URL and a browser
> tab... of course, using a keyboard for browsing that tab would be better
> than a touch screen, re keyboard shortcuts.
> Any clues ?
> I've already spotted which could be of use, for
> the terminal interface parts.
> Maybe browsix already provides everything else that's needed (LLVM,
> emscripten, ...).
> Another option could be some kind of use of WebAssembly port, for
> browser compatibility, maybe.
> Of course performance would be interesting to benchmark.
> Thanks for your feedback.
> Best regards,

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