On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 11:51 AM Kaushal Modi <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I still don't have a fully working solution (see below). Hopefully someone
> can help figure out the reason for "Invalid read syntax: #" error.

OK, I found a workaround. Below solution works:

1. Eval the =org-macros= block once (=C-c C-c=)
   - Always use that =org-macros= block to define the Org macros for this
   - Hitting =C-c C-c= will insert those macros in this file.
   - This block is reused as a noweb-ref in other blocks.. so keeping just
     block as a source for all Org macros will be convenient.
2. Then export that file (=C-c C-e h o=)

#+BEGIN_SRC org :noweb-ref org-macros :results output replace :exports none
,#+MACRO: SEC_FOO Foo Topic
,#+MACRO: SEC_BAR Bar Topic

#+NAME: ehdr
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var macro="n" :noweb yes :results raw :exports none
  (insert "
  (let ((start (point)))
    (insert "// ---------------------------\n")
    (insert (concat "// {{{" macro "}}}"))
     (append org-macro-templates org-export-global-macros))
    (buffer-substring-no-properties start (point-max))))

* Section 1: {{{SEC_FOO}}}
#+BEGIN_SRC verilog :noweb yes
parameter A = 1;

* Section 2: {{{SEC_BAR}}}
#+BEGIN_SRC verilog :noweb yes
parameter A = 1;

Kaushal Modi

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