Strange, I might be wrong but this might not be set by default.

I have Org version 9.1.2 (9.1.2-15.g1d5142, which is of version 20171016
in GNU Guix package manager).

Alternatively, per `texdoc babel', you can make the language as a
document class option.

2017-11-26T09:07:44+0100 wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to use org-mode to translate a text from german to englisch.
> In my current setup I have marked the section with a tag to select
> either (or both) languages.
> This works fine for one language.
> If I want to print both, I have to manually adjust the argument to babel.
> My solution is to remove babel from 
> org-latex-default-packages-alist
> and add
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[englisch,german]{babel}
> Is there a better way to pass two languages to babel?
> (I could use Xelatex and polyglossia instead, but so far I don’t need
> any of the special features.)
> My second question is about the otherlanguage environment.
> Is there a way to wrap the text with the environment based on the tag?
> Even with yasnippet that would save a lot of typing.
> Axel 

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