
Alex Branham <alex.bran...@gmail.com> writes:

> I've attached the updated patch (with a test), but the test fails
> because calling M-x comment-dwim in an org buffer on a heading results
> in the old behavior of comment-dwim rather than the new behavior.
> Calling M-x org-comment-dwim directly works as I expect (and M-; works
> like this too). Do you have any idea what might be going on? I thought
> they would behave the same since comment-dwim is mapped to
> org-comment-dwim, but that doesn't seem to be the case...

Mapping means `org-comment-dwim' binding replaces `comment-dwim'
binding, which doesn't mean both functions are mapped to each other.

The tests in "test-org.el" were broken: they tested `comment-dwim'
instead of `org-comment-dwim'. I fixed the tests, then applied your

I also added TINYCHANGE at the end of the commit message. Please
consider signing FSF papers if you haven't done so. If you did, let me
know it so I can update our registry.

Would you mind writing an entry in ORG-NEWS? It could go in
"Miscellaneous" section.

Thank you!


Nicolas Goaziou

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