Carsten Dominik <> writes:

> On Mar 2, 2009, at 5:00 PM, Sebastian Rose wrote:
>> OK - I failed badly :-(
>> I think we can skip the extra <div> element around the TOC.
>> Here's why:
>>  As it looks now, the problem with the fixed TOC does not go away. My
>>  old trick seems to work only for HTML doctype and/or tables...
>> Should
>>  have tested that one before...
>>  So until now it's not getting any better - but more complicated.
>>  And all those stlyes in the stylesheet become confusing :-/
>>  The main problem is the height of the TOC on The <div>
>>  element grows and shrinks in height when we resize the window.
>>  Unfortunately, we can't set the height property to 100% because of
>> the
>>  unicorn. Instead I set it to 60% to support Netbooks - but 60% will
>> be
>>  too high if the window is resized to be under a certain height. And
>>  60% is low, if the window fills a bigger screen (> 17')
>>  Seems I can't solve that by adding structural elements. The only
>>  element I could think of would be a table with height=100% and the
>>  unicorn in the first row (fixed height), TOC in the second row (no
>>  height property).
>> Most of this seems to be true for the other containers I thought of.
>> Just one around everything and one around the all the sections and
>> footnotes seems to make sense so far.
> So one that wraps everything in body.  OK, let's call it "content".
> And then one that does contains the sections and footnotes, but
> not the title, preamble, and postamble?  Am I understanding this
> correctly?
> - Carsten

So long as every thing has a div we can then use descendants of the main
content to CSS any elements.

I see the most important thing (and making it simple) is just to assign
a class ID at the org file level


This generates

<div class="myclass">

at html export and whatever for anything else.

I really dont see the plethora of sec-id# that are currently generated
being really useful since they change on each export if new stuff is
entered. This make existing CSS redundant unfortunately.


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