Dear List Members,

a few days ago I've released the first public version of citeproc-el
(, a CSL 1.01 citation
processor library for Emacs. Since the main motivation of my work was to
contribute to org-mode's citation rendering I also implemented a "proof
of concept" add-on to org-ref that uses citeproc-el to render org-ref
citation links for non-LaTeX (and optionally even LaTeX) export backends

Both packages are in a relatively early stage of their development so
I'd be grateful to receive any feedback on them. In particular, in
citeproc-orgref I had to abuse the cite link descriptions to an even
greater degree than they were by org-ref to accommodate the full CSL
representation of citations (citations consist of cites and each cite
can have a prefix, postfix and a locator). The resulting link syntax is
rather cumbersome so I'd like to ask your opinion about introducing an
alternative org-mode citation syntax that handles all of these elements.
One option would be to use something very similar to pandoc's citation
syntax (which I tried to follow as much as possible in the cite link
descriptions of citeproc-orgref).

A more general question I'd like to raise how (or whether) you see
citeproc-el's (and CSL's) potential place in the org-mode ecosystem.
There are a lot of directions which the further development could take
(BibLaTeX support, citeproc-YAML bibliographies, CSL editing and CSL
extensions etc.) and I'd be grateful to receive your input on which ones
I should focus on.

thanks in advance & best wishes,

András Simonyi

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