On 2018-02-01 11:17, Yasushi SHOJI <yasushi.sh...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 2:37 AM, Alan Schmitt
> <alan.schm...@polytechnique.org> wrote:
>> I'm working on a project that is becoming too big to manage as a single
>> file, so I'm looking at splitting it in several files. This would also
>> have the benefit of generating several smaller html pages instead of a
>> single huge one.
> Does Org support this? or do you just export each file?

I was planning on exporting each file individually. (It's the main goal,
actually, as exporting the whole thing is taking too long.)

>> My question is about pdf export. Is it possible to take a document made
>> of multiple org files and generate a single book from it? I'm worried
>> that if I use a master org file that includes the other ones, the links
>> between chapters would break.
> You can just use '#+INCLUDE' construct and Org will take care.

My problem is links. To give a concrete example, here is the file I want
to split in two:

* A headline
  :CUSTOM_ID: head1

This is the first file.

* Second headline

The first headline is number [[#head1]]

How do I change the link in the second headline so that I can split the
second headline into its own file and export it by itself? Right now it
cannot resolve the link. Maybe a solution would be to create a custom
link with different ways to export it…

> In the html-master.org, you use links to connect.  And
> in the pdf-master.org, you can just #+INCLUDE your files.

This is the plan, if I find out how to deal with links.

> BTW, I don't think we have direct pdf exporter.  So, you must be talking about
> the latex exporter, right?

Yes, sorry for the confusion.



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