
A similar issue - a code block and the result below would be normal.

#+BEGIN_SRC shell
  echo $PWD

: /Users/shin/Documents

However, when I specified a session name, the first evaluation returns a
table-format value as below, ...

#+BEGIN_SRC shell :session *shell*
  echo $PWD

|                       |
| /Users/shin/Documents |

... but, the second or more latter evaluations return the normal value.

#+BEGIN_SRC shell :session *shell*
  echo $PWD

: /Users/shin/Documents

... How can I get the normal value in all evaluations of the session?

I attached the session log in the *shell* buffer below. I am using Org mode
version 9.1.6 (9.1.6-16-g86a382-elpaplus @
/Users/shin/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20180115/ on macOS.


echo $PWD
bash-3.2$ /Users/shin/Documents
bash-3.2$ echo 'org_babel_sh_eoe'
bash-3.2$ echo $PWD
bash-3.2$ echo 'org_babel_sh_eoe'

On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 1:25 PM Michael Welle <mwe012...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> this code block:
> #+BEGIN_SRC shell :session n42 :shebang "#!/bin/bash"
> for i in "aa" "bb" "cc" ; do
> echo "u: $i"
> done
> #+end_src
> produces this output when it first runs:
> |    |    |    |    |
> | >  | >  | u: | aa |
> | u: | bb |    |    |
> | u: | cc |    |    |
> After the first run, subsequent runs produce this output:
> |    |    |    |
> | >  | u: | aa |
> | u: | bb |    |
> | u: | cc |    |
> If I set :session to none the output is always like follows:
> | u: | aa |
> | u: | bb |
> | u: | cc |
> I think that last one is what one would expect ;). Anyways, using sessions,
> is there a way to get rid off of the shell's continuation prompts?
> Regards
> hmw

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