I am getting the error message «Wrong type argument: listp, #("This is
the Title" 0 17 (:parent (#0)))» (or similar) whenever I try to export
a file with header options to any format (html, txt, pdf via LaTeX,
...), if the file has a header.  Minimal example:

#+TITLE: This is the Title

org-mode 9.1.6 does not seem to handle the headers properly.  When there
is a header, exporting fails with the message:  «Wrong type argument:
listp, #("This is the Title" 0 17 (:parent (#0)))».  There was no such
problem with previous recent org-mode versions.

Exporting runs through correctly when I remove the line «#+TITLE: This
is the Title».

Any ideas there?

Thanks in advance

Prof. Dr. Rainer Thiel
Institut für Altertumswissenschaften
07737 Jena, Germany (EU)

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