Nicolas Goaziou writes:

> Hello,
> John Kitchin <> writes:
>> A block like this:
>> #+attr_latex: :placement [H]
>> #+caption: A test block
>> #+BEGIN_SRC ipython
>> 'hello'
>> #+END_SRC
>> exports to latex as:
>> \begin{listing}[htbp]
>> \begin{minted}[frame=lines,fontsize=\scriptsize,linenos]{ipython}
>> 'hello'
>> \end{minted}
>> \caption{A test block}
>> \end{listing}
>> The root of this is in  org-latex-src-block where (plist-get info
>> :latex-default-figure-position) is being used to specify the
>> placement.
> True. LaTeX back-end doesn't handle :placement attribute in source blocks.
>> It seems like a sort of easy fix, but requires a couple of changes in the
>> function.
>> I think we could replace all instances of
>> (plist-get info :latex-default-figure-position)
>> with
>> (or (plist-get attributes :placement)
>>    (format "[%s]"
>>    (plist-get info :latex-default-figure-position)))
> Why (format "[%s]" ...)?

That isn't changed from what is already in ox-latex, e.g. line 2367.

>> and also replace everything like:
>> \\begin{figure*}[%s]
>> with
>> \\begin{figure*}%s
>> I don't see a way around that unless :latex-default-figure-position is
>> changed from "htbp" to "[htbp]".
> I fail to see why this change is needed.

org-latex-default-figure-position is defined as "htbp"

where as :placement is usually defined as "[H]". One has brackets, and
one doesn't. This is reflected in ox-latex too.

For example in this code (line 3219. ox-latex.el)

(or (plist-get attr :placement)
              (format "[%s]" (plist-get info

it is implied that :latex-default-figure-position does not have
brackets, but that (plist-get attr :placement) does since it is later
used in line 3259 as:

(format "\\begin{%s}%s\n" float-env placement)

So, it seems like one either has to add [] to the default
org-latex-default-figure-position, or put them in the template, or
change how the :placement value is used. It doesn't seem like we can
have it both ways without testing if there are brackets or not. It also
doesn't seem right to modify org-latex-default-figure-position just to
get float listings to be "[H]" for src blocks.

>> Thoughts?
> Do you want to propose a patch? The manual would need to be updated
> accordingly.

Do you see another way to solve this?

> Regards,

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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