
in the past I was using org-caldav package to sync my calendar (and
contacts) entries with my Android phones via Baikal server, but at some
point it got broken - see
https://github.com/dengste/org-caldav/issues/51 so I had to resort to
another solution by using vdiryncer.

Recently, I found out that org-caldav is supposed to work (again) with
multiple calendars and there is example:

setq org-caldav-calendars
  '((:calendar-id "work@whatever" :files ("~/org/work.org")
     :inbox "~/org/fromwork.org")
    (:calendar-id "stuff@mystuff"
     :files ("~/org/sports.org" "~/org/play.org")
     :skip-conditions (regexp "soccer")
     :inbox "~/org/fromstuff.org")) )

in its README file,


but I must admit it's not clear how one is supposed to configure



I have a neeed for 4 or 5 calendars: my own, one for wife's activities,
one for the kid's, another using special calendar, birthdays...

I did try with this setup:

* I did add required calendars to my org-agenda-files, like:

  (setq org-agenda-files
        (list "~/emacs/org/gour.org"

            and I want that calendar.org does contain all the entries which do
            arrive from the Android phones.

* here is org-caldav's part of setup:
  (setq org-caldav-calendars
        '((:calendar-id "gour" :files ("~/emacs/org/gour.org")
                        :inbox "~/emacs/org/calendar.org")

          (:calendar-id "jahnava" :files ("~/emacs/org/wife.org")
                        :inbox "~/emacs/org/calendar.org")

          (:calendar-id "kirtana" :files ("~/emacs/org/kid.org")
                        :inbox "~/emacs/org/calendar.org")

          (:calendar-id "vaishnava" :files ("~/emacs/org/special.org")
                        :inbox "~/emacs/org/calendar.org")
          (:calendar-id "birthdays" :files ("~/emacs/org/birthdays.org")
                        :inbox "~/emacs/org/calendar.org")

So, I'd like to entry calendar entries for myself into gour.org and,
similarly to other adequately named *.org files, while calendar.org
should contain entries which were entered on the phone(s) and were
synced with my org files.

However, when I tried the above setup, one of the calendar got all the
duplicates from another, in my case, kid.org got all the entries from

Anyone can suggest how to incorporate :skip-conditions so that there
won't by any duplicates and every for every entry in my agenda it will
be clear where the entry does belong to?

In the test-suite I've noticed the following:

:skip-conditions (notregexp ":sometag:")

so maybe the setup could be done by adding specific tags (eg. ":kid:",
":wife:" etc. to the setup, but it's not clear to me how to configure
eveything for more than two calendars, although I'm not sure how e.g.:

:skip-conditions (regexp "soccer")

can prevent duplicate entries?


As a blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the
fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities.

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