Le jeu.  01 mars 2018  à 06:17:48  , Brian Shine  <briansh...@mac.com> a
envoyé ce message:
> This is a wonderful resource, but I wonder  if I can ask how to set up
> email  using emacs?   I’ve  failed  multiple times  to  do this  using
> several solutions that are suggested. My main accounts are with iCloud
> and Exchange and I have never  managed to log in through the suggested
> methods.  I’m obviously doing something basic incorrectly. 
> Is there a really simple guide to setting this up?  
> Best wishes,
> Brian


It is difficult  to give you and  advice, because as you  know there are
many email clients for emacs.

Maybe you can  read this web page  first, that could help you  to make a


I am using  Gnus with Gmail, and  it works smoothly. I  do not believe
that I will change now. But it is time consuming to get the convenient

If Gnus  can be you  choice, I will  be happy to  help you, as  I can,
because there many  people in this list that are  more experts than me
(Eric Fraga for example). 

Best wishes, 


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