Nicolas Goaziou <> writes:

> Thorsten Jolitz <> writes:
>> You used the word 'discrepancy',
> True. I inferred it from
>   (funny enough, some org elements have 'value' as their content, others
>   'content').
> which, IMO, sounds like it is a surprising fact.
>> I simply needed to know for each org
>> element what is interpreted and what not. And some have a content,
>> others a :value.
> As in every AST, some nodes are terminal (no contents), and some are not
> (contents).
> This distinction is made in `org-element-greater-elements', i.e.,
> non-terminal elements. See also `org-element-recursive-objects' for
> non-terminal objects.
>> So if I pass 'Hello World' as content to an example
>> block, nothing happens, if I pass it via :value, it appears as the
>> blocks ... well, content.
> Contents imply Org syntax. This would defeat the purpose of an example
> block.

Ok, so its just a matter of wording.  

On the computer science side of things, content seems to be org elements
or objects contained in other org elements (like table rows in a table),
and on the laymans side of things the text inside of an example block
looks very much like the blocks content too (while its technically named
'value' in this case).


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