Michael Welle <mwe012...@gmx.net> writes:

> Hello,
> Abigaile Johannesburg <a...@tuta.io> writes:
>> Dear community,
>> I have a minor question about how to escape '#' character in
>> #+begin_src bash block. For example, when I export the source code
>> block for bash, I can use
>> #+begin_src bash
>> $<some bash command for normal user>
>> #+end_src
>> But if I want to use # for indicating commands for root or privileged
>> user, if I use
>> #+begin_src bash
>> #<some bash command for root user>
>> #+end_src 
>> then the commands after '#' will be in italics, i.e., they are treated
>> as comments in html export.
>> How do I solve this problem?
> I'm not sure if I understand your problem correctly. # starts a comment
> in shell, and $ denotes (among others maybe) a variable name. In that
> sense 
> #+begin_src bash
> $ls
> #+end_src
> delivers the value of the variable ls. The semantic of $ is not to
> execute the command ls as a non-root user. Same goes for #. If you want
> to put your own semantics into $ and # it might be better to not use a
> bash code block.
> If you want to note that some commands in a script needs root privilege,
> maybe something like this would do the trick:
> #+begin_src bash
> ls
> su - -c 'fdisk /dev/rdsk/c0d1/p0'
> emacs&
> #+end_src
> Regards
> hmw

As Michael Welle points out

#+begin_src shell
# date

is a do-nothing source block since the command is commented out.

If you are trying to produce documentation and want to show commands
that the user should type then you probably need an example block:

# date


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