Leo Vivier <leo.viv...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I've created another
> init file just for async-export, and not only have I got it to work,
> but it's also quite a lot faster than it used to be.
> All that remains now is to find a way to re-write my function. My
> knowledge of elisp if fairly limited, and I don't see how to
> communicate with the background process other than by writing the
> value of my toggle-variable to a file. I guess I could also make a
> modularise async-init.el and control which module is loaded from the
> main init.el.

Would it be possible to use latexmk or rubber or one of the other
"intelligent" LaTeX compilers?  That /should/ automatically make the
compilation as short as possible.


I almost cut my hair, it happened just the other day

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