Nicolas Goaziou writes on Mon 16 Apr 2018 14:08:

 > Inlinetasks has a lot of glitches [...]. It is not ready for prime
 > time.  Worse, I don't think its design is good, either.

I would be glad to be able to use an alternative.  I see that
"drawers" are mentioned by some of you experts, but it is not clear to
me if this would be suited for me -- in particular, the fact that they
"can contain anything but a headline and another drawer" is not very

In fact, my use of inelintaks seems to me so basic (I faced the
problem since my day 1 with org-mode) that maybe another solution that
I overlooked would work for me.  I'll explain my problem in the hope
that someone might be able to help.

Say I am working on

    * wave propagation   :numerical_analysis:

At some point, comes an incidental, purely mathematical issue, say

      check that 1+1~2 (for this, try that or that).

My first reflex was to try a list item like

      - TODO check that 1+1~2   :maths:basics:
        for this, try that or that.
which of course does not work.

This maths issue does not really deserve its own header.  It's really
inconvenient to force it because it requires duplicating some context,
the extent of which must be evaluated (might take time) and which,
besides, may change along time.  Or it requires internal linking,
which also takes time to set up.

I envisioned

    * TODO wave propagation   :numerical_analysis:
    ** main stuff
    ** TODO check that 1+1~2   :maths:basics:
       for this, try that or that.
    ** main stuff, continued

which is unpractical, and really ugly, especially when many such
issues arise...

For some time I used the also very inelegant:

    * TODO wave propagation   :numerical_analysis:maths:basics:
      the TODO is just for :maths:basics:, search for string XXX
      XXX check that 1+1~2; for this, try that or that.

until I was fed up and put more effort in the google search, which
finally led me to the org FAQ and inelinetasks...

So can someone suggest attractive alternatives?


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