Hello Thomas,

I forgot to expand a bit on this part..

On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 9:43 AM Kaushal Modi <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>   I use org-mode for writing these kinds of thing now, and
>> I'm hoping to work out a way to make my org mode source work with
>> Hugo.
> At minimum you just need the #+hugo_base_dir keyword and EXPORT_FILE_NAME
> property (if using per-subtree flow). So it should not be too difficult. To
> get an idea, I made these[1] changes to make the pre-existing use-package
> Org manual ready for ox-hugo export.

I port some of my pre-existing notes in Org format to my blog as I get
time. Here's a recent one..

Org source:

The only lines added to it for exporting (using the per-file flow) using
ox-hugo were:

#+hugo_base_dir: ../../../
#+hugo_section: notes
#+hugo_bundle: awk
#+export_file_name: index

#+hugo_categories: unix
#+hugo_tags: awk

And I added this Org Special block supported by ox-hugo:

Collection of ~awk~ examples.

With that in place, I exported the Markdown file, committed it to my repo,
Netlify ran hugo to regenerate my site, and deployed it to


Kaushal Modi

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