Hi Eric, orgalist users,
* Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> [2018-05-03; 23:45]:
> Huh! I tried the exact same typing as you've done above, and the third
>      item wraps into a fourth item. I expect it will be some interaction
>      with other minor modes. I've got:

I have the very same problems with unstoppable indentation in
  orgalist and I don't think it is an interaction with other
  minor modes, because it hits even with no configuration.  Do:

emacs25 -Q  --debug-init  -l 
/home/grfz/.emacs.d/elpa-27.0/orgalist-1.3/orgalist.el   -f compose-mail --eval 
"(progn (orgalist-mode t) (end-of-buffer) (newline) (newline))"

(you'll have to adjust the path to your orglist.el)        

and hit RETURN in the newly created emacs frame and this last new
    line will be indented.

I also tested with a freshly build emacs from the master branch
  and it showed the same behaviour.

Ciao; Gregor
 -... --- .-. . -.. ..--.. ...-.-

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