Hi Rasmus,

2018ko maiatzak 5an, Rasmus-ek idatzi zuen:

> Cool, I at least did not know that one.
> Can you a reproducible way to try it out?
> Without having to make my own templates etc.

I havenʼt done anything with it myself.

You can open up a blank .el file and test out some of emacsʼs built-in
templates.  M-x srecode-minor-mode, and then “C-c / /” will prompt you for
the name of a template to insert.  Entering file:major-mode at the
resulting prompt might be the most interesting one.  Certain keys are
bound to common templates, examples are “C-c / f” for inserting a function
and “C-c / v” for a variable

The template file corresponding to this is located at

Just as an aside, I have now also learned that emacs also includes
skeleton.el, which is yet a third template expansion library.  Sigh.

Aaron Ecay

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