Hi Kaushal,

2018ko maiatzak 24an, Kaushal Modi-ek idatzi zuen:
> Yes, the proposal though supports these 2 things specific to details
> element:
> 1. Detecting "open" attribute via "#+attr_html: open".

Is it important for open to be a “bare” attribute (not sure of the
official name) like “<details open>” as opposed to “<details
open="open">”?  The latter form is already supported (in fact the second
“open” can be any string).  Just add

#+attr_html: :open any-string-you-want

above the block.

> > 2. Adding a wrapper <p class="details"> tag around the details portion
> following the <summary> tag. Useful if user wants to set CSS rules for
> "details .details".

The only thing I know off the top of my head is that CSS can be quite
hairy, so I would not be surprised if this wrapper is sometimes needed.
And indeed, support for it would be missing.  Is it something that is
likely to crop up for other elements as well, such that it would be
desirable to support it in org core?  (This is at least partly me
wondering out loud, no need to specifically answer unless something
particularly occurs to you one way or the other.)

Aaron Ecay

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