Hi Chris,

Thanks for the hint. I didn't think to profile. This may be useful, but I'm
not sure how to interpret the results, which are:

- command-execute                                               15852  79%
 - call-interactively                                           15852  79%
  - funcall-interactively                                       15666  78%
   - org-export-dispatch                                        15392  77%
    - org-latex-export-to-latex                                 15291  76%
     - org-export-to-file                                       15289  76%
      - org-export-as                                           15245  76%
       - org-babel-exp-process-buffer                           14762  74%
        - org-babel-exp-src-block                               14676  73%
         - org-babel-exp-do-export                              10049  50%
          - org-babel-exp-results                                9324  46%
           - org-babel-expand-noweb-references                   9200  46%
            - org-babel-get-src-block-info                       8247  41%
             - org-babel-params-from-properties                  6799  34%
              - org-entry-get                                    6618  33%
               - org-entry-get-with-inheritance                  6579  33%
                - org-up-heading-safe                            5466  27%

On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 5:09 PM Chris <a...@xkqr.org> wrote:

> Hello, Ken!
> Ken Mankoff (mank...@gmail.com) 2018-06-12:
> > Is there a way to speed up exporting?
> I may be jumping to conclusions here, and if so, please excuse me. Have
> you tried profiling the export? (As in M-x profiler-start, run the
> export, then M-x profiler-report?) This can shed a surprising amount of
> light on why things are slow. (In my case, exporting was slow because of
> a slow hook that got triggered multiple times during the exportage.)
> Regards,
> Chris

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