
I'd like to calculate the differences between rows of numbers of a
different table.

Here is a minimal example showing the issue:

    #+NAME: my-table
    | Numbers |
    |       1 |
    |       5 |
    |       8 |
    |      12 |
    |      15 |

This is what I expected: "exp. Reference1" and "exp. Reference2" is here only
to demonstrate that the assumed references are wrong in the third table. "exp.
Difference" is the column I want to get in the first place. I don't want to see
Reference 1 or 2 at all in my solution (since I need a couple of those

    | Line | exp. Reference1 | exp. Reference2 | exp. Difference |
    |    1 |               0 |               0 |               0 |
    |    2 |               5 |               1 |               4 |
    |    3 |               8 |               5 |               3 |
    |    4 |              12 |               8 |               4 |
    |    5 |              15 |              12 |               3 |

This is what I get instead:

    | Line | actual Reference1 | actual Reference2 | Difference |
    |    1 |                 0 |                 0 |          0 |
    |    2 |                 6 |                 1 |          5 |
    |    3 |                12 |                 1 |         11 |
    |    4 |                20 |                 1 |         19 |
    |    5 |                30 |                 1 |         29 |
    #+TBLFM: $2=if(2 == @#, 0, remote(my-table,@#$1))::$3=if(2 == @#, 0, 
remote(my-table,@#-1$1))::$4=if(2 == @#, 0, 

As you can see, the "actual Reference1" are not the values from the first
column above (except the first one). "actual Reference2" is not the shifted
column 1 from above (except the first one). I have no clue, what these numbers

Maybe you can help me (1) explaining what the numbers in actual Reference1 and
actual Reference2 are showing and (2) how to get the result ("expected
Difference"; without explicitly generating Reference 1 or 2).


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