I have a problem in an org-mode file which is then exported to latex and
then converted into a pdf. And the file is the draft of my fiction book.

My finished output in the pdf will have every line indented/tabbed to 4
spaces and have a carriage-return at the end of each paragraph, with no
spacings in between paragraphs.

I can get it how I want in org-mode, but when its exported to latex and
converted into a pdf file, the whole section comes out in one block of

Its as if something isn't honouring a carriage return and neither
recognising the 4 spaces!

So how can I achieve my goal please?

I've tried manually doing a return and then deleting the space it
creates for the next line to then have its obligatory 4 spaces of
indentation but its not working as I want, so how can I do it please?

I've also tried exporting the file to docx using pandoc, and its not
recognising any carriage-returns in its output either.

A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
DrugFacts = https://www.drugfacts.org.uk
Debian 9.4, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 25.3.4, org 9.1.14

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