On 2018/10/26 at 10:29, Eric S Fraga wrote:
> On Friday, 26 Oct 2018 at 08:45, Garreau, Alexandre wrote:
>> I tried to eval the following block, and my point was on the last line,
>> of course, but since it begins with a “|”, it was interpreted as a
>> table, and block was not evaled: I believe this is a bug.  Why would a
>> org table be inside a non-org source block? it’s not even inside a
>> comment!
>> #+BEGIN_SRC ocaml :results verbatim
>>   let rec premiers = 
>>     function [] -> []
>>            | (a,b) :: q -> a :: premiers q ;; |
>> #+END_SRC
> This may be a bug but how were you editing this code?  From org mode or
> by editing the src block using C-c ' (org-edit-special)?  Code blocks
> should generally be edited using the special edit mode which knows about
> the language.

I was doing from org-mode: I find want to see rest of the buffer while
writing (that’s why I’m using org-mode instead of just writing in a
plain file), and to have to type that keystrokes, again and again.  And
anyway there’s org-src-tab-acts-natively for that (though it’s often
unperfect but I’m not complaining until I had the time to figure out

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