On Mon, Oct 29, 2018, 05:19 Marcin Borkowski, <mb...@mbork.pl> wrote:

> Well, I think I have something even better -
> https://github.com/akirak/counsel-org-clock (I find Counsel/Ivy
> interface much superior to the default refiling one).  I have my

Oh, I should switch to that! Thanks for the recommendation.

Definitely!  As of now, the main use is to make sure I don't get
> distracted too much at work so that I can actually make ends meet (I'm
> paid by an hour), so this is a crucial part of my work infrastructure.
> Also, this means it /must/ be a harsh taskmaster (at least for some
> time).

I remember liking the combination of org-capture (for ideas and tasks that
might otherwise interrupt my flow), effort estimates, looking at the
current clocked task in the modeline, and making myself take notes along
the way using org-babel. You probably already have a more sophisticated
workflow, but in case any of those habits could use practising or tweaking,
maybe that could help.

I wonder if it makes sense to set up pomodoros, so you have the time
structure to accommodate interruptions/distractions as well as a regular
reminder to check if you're still on-task.

I look forward to reading your usual awesome blog post about whatever
workflow you figure out! :)


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