Hi Marco,

Nice to hear you like it! Yeah, I'm pretty happy with that functionality as 
well. Use it all the time to quickly add links to attached files.

One use case I have for this (as an example) is for projects and tasks. I have 
a 'tasks.org' file with nodes for each of my tasks and each of my projects. 
Usually, if the task is about some digital work, there are files involved with 
it. So I have a convention to add folders next to the 'tasks.org' file with 
names like 'YYMM [task/project title]', and attach the folder to each 
task/project node. C-c C-l attached RET then makes it super-easy to refer to 
particular files within that folder, from within the node in the 'tasks.org' 

Another use case is for my 'digital brain', where it's also fairly common for 
me to have attachment folders where I want to refer to files within them. 
Images for example, that then will be displayed in the org-mode file. Haven't 
settled on whether I should use auto-managed ID's for these folders, or 
:ATTACH_DIR: properties though. Currently using a bit of both...

I'm not familiar with the 'next' branch and the plans for integrating it into 
'master'. But if 'master' is to offensive to merge into straight away, 'next' 
sounds like a good option!

Kind regards

-----Original Message-----
From: Marco Wahl <marcowahls...@gmail.com> 
Sent: den 1 november 2018 17:01
To: Gustav Wikström <gus...@whil.se>
Subject: Re: FW: [RFC] Link-type for attachments, more attach options

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article that has been posted to 
gmane.emacs.orgmode as well.

Hi Gustav,

I played a bit with your proposition.  I like it; in particular the completion 
function to insert links from the attachment directory with

    C-c C-l attached RET

It seems natural to me to have a more specific link type for attached files.

In my opinion your patch should be applied to the 'next' branch.

My 2ct,

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