Hi David,

David Masterson <dsmaster...@outlook.com> writes:

> When I publish my project, I find that my org files are first generated
> into tex and pdf files in directory1 and then the tex/pdf files are
> copied to directory2.  What I would like is for the tex/pdf files to be
> directly generated in directory2 with no "extras" in directory1.

I think you might be thinking about this the wrong way around.  I may be
wrong about this, as I'm not a heavy user of the publishing framework,
but here's my two cents.

As far as I understand it, the publishing framework is basically
designed around the idea of copying finished products to a desired
location (a directory, either locally or on a webserver).  It's built as
a layer on top of Org's exporters, not as a way to make those exporters
behave differently.  If you want to control the *build* process for the
PDF, as opposed to just where it finally ends up, you probably want to
set options for the latex exporter, not the publishing framework.

In particular, you might want something like:

#+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: builddir/file.tex

in the Org files you're exporting, where builddir is somewhere outside
of your directory1.  (I'm *pretty* sure that will work, but I haven't
tested it.)

Hope that helps!


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