In Org Agenda, `C-u l', which IIUC is supposed to "show all possible
log items, not only the ones configured in
`org-agenda-log-mode-items'" shows clocking of work, closing of
entries, and other state changes of entries (tagged in the agenda
with "Clocked", "Closed", and "State" respectively).

That is very useful. However, note entries in the LOGBOOK drawer
(created with org-add-note) are unfortunately omitted.

Also, all my LOGBOOK drawers contain a CREATED inactive time stamp
(placed there by my capture templates), but these CREATED entries
are also omitted.

Am I doing something wrong? Are these other entries from the LOGBOOK
drawer expected to be included in the Agenda with `C-u l' -- I
realise that "all possible log items" is not the same as "all log
items", but it isn't clear why it wouldn't be possible!

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