
Sorry for repeating the message, but I want to add a bit to it.

I had to stop using the align and shrink startup options because at least one 
of them causes a considerable delay when opening an Org file that contains many 
tables (in my case, 25 or more tables). The delay makes sense, and it isn't a 
big deal to not use these options, but I wonder this: Is there a way to tell 
Org to align and shrink all the tables in an Org file after startup or does it 
have to be done on an individual basis?

My use case is this: I have an Org file with many tables and I edit some of 
them which requires me to shrink those tables. Later, I run a macro which 
accesses and alters all of the tables. I need all of the tables to be in the 
same state so that the macro runs correctly. I guess the solution is to have 
the macro put a table in the proper state before it does anything to that 
table, but that is one more thing I have to remember to put in the macro. It 
would be easiest if I could just tell Org to unshrink (which is what I actually 
want) all tables in the file before I run the macro.

Scott Randby

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