On Tue, 29 Jan 2019 at 17:39, Michael Maurer <maurer.mich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm currently using org-mode version 9.1.14, where everything
> seemingly works fine.
> The problem is, when I upgrade to the latest version via the packaging
> system, one particular headline no longer folds and hides its
> children, although the visiblity properties are identical to other
> headlines, and the way its children are structured as well.
> On startup the custom property gets ignored, it's not folded, and all
> its children are visible. I've upgraded to the latest emacs version,
> to see if that makes a difference, but the problem persists. Not sure
> where or how I should start to track this problem down.
> Here's the offending headline.
> * DONE 2017 [462/462] abc,cde, efg, hij, klm
> :VISIBILITY: folded
> :END:
> ** DONE Dezember [34/34] abc, eds
> :VISIBILITY: folded
> :END:
>    CLOSED: [2017-12-31 So 00:19]
>    - CLOSING NOTE [2017-12-31 So 00:19]

Ok, I figured it out. If the top headline has a "visibility: folded"
property, and one of its children has that property as well, the
parents property gets disabled, for some reason. Guess it's a bug?

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