
+1 for not supporting Elsevier.

Nonetheless, if you *have* to use this template, or if you encounter
similar issues with another one, I've used the following workaround in
the past:
- export just the body of the article (hitting C-b at the export frame)
- input that at your tex file using \input{}


On 11/04/2019 06:01, Nick Dokos wrote:
> Flavio Leonardo Cavalcanti de Moura <cont...@flaviomoura.mat.br> writes:
>> Hi Jilius, 
>> Thank you very much for your reply. It is a good idea, but the latex
>> class I am using (entcs) has its own \title and \date, and by
>> renewing the command I overwrite both... 
>> I am removing these lines by hand from the tex file generated by the
>> export engine... but it is not nice. Any help is very much
>> appreciated!
> If I were you, I would write it all using the article class, then once
> satisfied, I would export it to a latex file, make the necessay
> changes (article -> entcs, frontmatter included) and then process it
> through latex one final time. It is just not worth fighting against
> the peculiarities of the entcs class or trying to bring it into
> submission: it's just a badly written class.
> But I would also suggest that you consider publishing your paper in a
> different journal. Elsevier is a toxic publisher and is being
> boycotted by many prominent scientists.  See
>     http://thecostofknowledge.com/
> and Timothy Gowers' blog:
>     https://gowers.wordpress.com/category/elsevier/
>> Best regards, 
>> Flávio.
>>         Hi  Flávio,
>>         perhaps you could add something like (untested)
>>         #+LATEX_HEADER: \renewcommand{\title}[1]{} \renewcommand{\date}[1]{}
>>         to your org-file? It's not exactly what you asked for, but it might
>>         alleviate your problem.
>>         HTH,
>>         Julius
>>         Am 10.04.19 um 18:10 schrieb Flavio Leonardo Cavalcanti de Moura:
>>         > Hello,
>>         >
>>         > My org file uses a latex class that, after exporting, is in 
>> conflict with
>>         > the lines \date{} and \title{} automatically generated by orgmode 
>> latex
>>         > export. I already tried the following headings for the org file:
>>         >
>>         > 1.
>>         > #+TITLE:
>>         > #+DATE:
>>         >
>>         > 2.
>>         > #+TITLE:
>>         > #+option: date:nil
>>         >
>>         > 3.
>>         > #+option: title:nil date:nil
>>         >
>>         > But in all cases the lines
>>         > \title{}
>>         > \date{}
>>         > are in the tex file automatically generated by the export engine. 
>> Is there
>>         > a way to prevent the addition of these lines?
>>         >
>>         > Best regards,
>>         > Flávio.
>>         >

Georgios Kaklamanos
Doctoral Student, e-Science Group, GWDG
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