
I made some progress. I can generate agendas where each todo shows how
many sub-tasks it has:

 Emacs ideas
  <  3> Emacs:              TODO [#0] show context of subtasks in agenda
  <  1> Emacs:              TODO [#0] fixate gnus structure
  <  1> Emacs:              TODO [#2] kungsgetens org-brain
  < 11> Emacs:              TODO [#3] emslaved (make initial repo)

The number inside the initial brackets < num > indicate number of open subtasks.

I'm also using org-super-agenda here.

This is the code, a little bit messy still.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :tangle yes

  (defun jv-todoinfo()
        ((numchilds 0))
        (setq numchilds (length
                         (--filter (eq 'todo it)
                                     (let ((parsetree (org-element-parse-buffer 
                                       (org-element-map parsetree 'headline 
                                         (lambda (hl) (org-element-property 
:todo-type hl))))))))
        ;;im not sure why the widen is needed, but otherwise agenda generating 

  (setq org-agenda-prefix-format
        '((agenda . " %i %-20:c%?-12t% s")
          (timeline . "  % s")
          (todo . " %i <%3(jv-todoinfo)> %-20:c")        
          (tags . " %i %-12:c")
          (search . " %i %-12:c"))


David Masterson <dsmaster...@outlook.com> writes:

> <joa...@verona.se> writes:
>> Thanks, I'm already using (setq org-agenda-todo-list-sublevels nil) and
>> org-super-agenda. Both reduce clutter which is good. OTOH I now lack
>> information about subtasks that has been removed from the agenda
>> view. It is this concern i would like to address.
> A bit of work, but, if you set a property name of (say) PARENT on each
> parent project and gave it the value of that parent project name, each
> child of the parent would pick up the property and then should show up
> in an :auto-property group under org-super-agenda-mode (I think).  That
> might get a bit cluttered, though, if you're doing a deep hierarchy of
> projects.
> --
> David
Joakim Verona

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