this is the best bug report i can do although it is not to my
standards.  i hope it makes sense.

[to make the bug report even worse, recent org is not working for me
so all i can do is offer you 9.1.14]

in agenda

i often have a bunch of repeaters that are scheduled, which show up
today [not as past scheduled].

i do s-right on them, and some go to today, while some go to tomorrow.

this feels inconsistent.  i'd like them to all go to tomorrow.  idk if
this might be a matter of internal logic, or a bug, but it forces me
to actually look at the date that s-right goes to.  i'd like to be
confident that they will all be treated the same.

perhaps some are being moved immediately to today a la the variable
while others are normally being moved.

perhaps this is because some are /actually/ today while others are
/repeated to/ today.

org-agenda-move-date-from-past-immediately-to-today is t.

these settings wfm but i suspect might be related.  i think a
consistent s-right behavior would be a great option if this is not a
bug, and a great thing to have if it is a bug.

    (setq org-agenda-show-future-repeats nil)
    (setq org-agenda-prefer-last-repeat t)

thanks.  please ignore if not make sense.  i cannot do better at this time.

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