Hi everyone,

several issues with inline source blocks:

1) https://orgmode.org/manual/Exporting-code-blocks.html states:

> The :exports header arguments control exporting code blocks only and
> not inline code:

gives as example:

> src_haskell[:exports both]{fac 5}

Which one is true?

2) I cannot get the results of inline blocks to be exported.

When I have a file that contains:

> Test: src_R[:exports results]{4*4} {{{results(=16=)}}}

then the code is always exported but the results are only exported up to

but starting from 65ebb128bc380fe4795dedd655d6f7b685249842
the results macro is ignored and the result never appears.

Looking at online documentation (other projects) like 
https://org-babel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/eval/#inline-code-blocks I realize 
that this may be a
problem in general (look at the Example sections, such as "The answer to 2 + 3 
is .")

3) The source block never gets evaluated. I tried 
src_sh{touch /tmp/test21.txt}

but this file doesn't get created, only when I execute it directly.

Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong, or is this actually a bug? I can't 
even get a basic
source block like

#+begin_src R :results output :session *R* :exports none

to ignore the code when exporting (but it's not evaluated).


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