Ngor <> writes:

> Hi Org community.
> I am re-posting my questions here according to Nicolas' recommendation.
> I am working on a standalone parser implementation for Org which is basically 
> a translation of elisp program to Rust
> There are couple of things I wanted to ask about:
> 1) I have discovered several inconsistencies and errors in the Syntax/API 
> documentation
> vs 
> vs elisp source
> And I don't know the right way to report them.
> 2) I think I have found a bug in the algorithm (org-element-collect 
> affiliated keywords does not take granularity into accound and seems to be 
> always parsing objects in Caption
> keyword)
> 3) I have a question regarding the elisp source source (specifically about 
> the :parent of the parsed objects of the keyword)
> I can elaborate on each point but I don't want to overwhelm everybody with 
> details right from the start. I guess the meta-question is where and how
> should I discuss these points? - I never used mailing lists before (If I did 
> something incorrectly or do not follow the established rituals/traditions 
> please do not judge me harshly.
> )

No need for metaquestions: ask away.

You might want to report related problems together, but if the
connection is tenuous or non-existent, then separate posts to the
mailing list will probably work better. Asking your question in a
separate post is probably best, so it doesn't get lost in the forest
of detail when reporting problems.

If you suspect a bug, then use 'M-x org-submit-bug-report`: the bug
report will end up here and will contain a lot of information about
your set-up which might be helpful.

Finally, be patient: do not expect answers (particularly when the
questions are complicated, as it seems yours will be). It takes
a while for people to get around to even reading the posts, let
alone coming up with answers (or, as is likely, more quesions for

And welcome to mailing lists in general and this mailing list in


"There are only two hard problems in computer science: cache
invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors." -Martin Fowler

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