>>> "JK" == John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:

> you are putting it in :results output latex though, so it won't be changed
> on export. The contents of that block will be used verbatim I think in the
> latex export. Maybe you can change latex to raw instead. Then the org
> syntax will get converted to \textbf.

Right! Raw is the solution

#+begin_src matlab :results output raw :exports results :eval never-export 


Does precisely what I want, thanks a lot

> Otherwise, I think you have to put the latex markup in the output.

> I still think it is a bug though, *step3:* does not act like a headline,
> and isn't valid headline syntax even at the beginning of a line. I don't
> think it should be getting escaped here.

That is what I think, it is a bug, Nick does not agree.

> John

> -----------------------------------
> Professor John Kitchin
> Doherty Hall A207F
> Department of Chemical Engineering
> Carnegie Mellon University
> Pittsburgh, PA 15213
> 412-268-7803
> @johnkitchin
> http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu

> On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 10:59 AM Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> wrote:

>> > Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:
>> > I don't think anything is wrong: org quotes lines that look like
>> > headlines in the babel output by prepending the comma.
>> But it shouldn't I want the output to be surrounded by * * because then
>> it is exported to latex as \textbf

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