I don't think this is an important change.

Here some thoughts that come to mind in this context.

What we have now, just as Carstens said:

  # <<human-readable>>
  * Section B

Creates this headline in HTML:

  <h2 id="sec-2"><a name="human-readable" id="human-readable"></a>2 Section B 

This is enough for all the use cases I can think of.

The section and headline may be detected through the anchor by any DOM
parser. Also, creating Org-files from Database entries or similar is
simple (Php):

fputs($fh, '
# <<id' . $row['id'] . '>>
* ' . $row['headline']);

If a change should be done, how will that change look like?

* Distinguishing automatic and human readable IDs

  One thing I like is, that we now _can_ distinguish the
  `human-readable-target' (human readable) from the `sec-2' (not human
  readable and not context related) using a regular expression.

  In org-info.js, I can now prefere the human readable ID in <a> from an
  automatic created one, and thus use that to create the links for `l'
  and `L'. The same holds true for other programming languages and

  If we open the <h3>'s ID for user defined values (bad), we can not
  distinguish those ID's using a regular expression and there is no way
  to detect the human readable one. There will be no way to _know_ that
  the <a>'s ID is the prefered one used for human readable links.

  If such a change should be done, I'd always prefer the (eventually
  existing) anchors ID for creating links.

  Conventions are not a bad thing in general, but they can lead to lot's
  of `if you...  else if... else...' in code and docs.

* Quality assurance

  The automatic IDs in the headline elements, and only those ID's,
  guaranty the functionality of export and cross referencing in an idiot
  proof way, which is what I prefer.



Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover
Tel.:  +49 (0)511 - 36 58 472
Fax:   +49 (0)1805 - 233633 - 11044
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Http:  www.emma-stil.de

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