If somebody is interested I uploaded a reworked version of this there:


Stefan Huchler <stefan.huch...@mail.de> writes:

> I wrote this template to capture my bills from mostly one shop, but it
> has support for multiple shops and the important feature is that it
> suggests previous item names and remembers last prices, that gives you
> lot's of autocompletion if you repetetivly buy often the same stuff over
> and over again.
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> %(let* ((default-directory (file-name-directory "%F"))
>       (map-file "shop-items.txt"))
>    (load-file "helper.el")
>    (require 'dash)
>    (let* ((shops (if (file-exists-p map-file)
>                    (read-from-file map-file) '()))
>         (names (mapcar 'car shops))
>         (shop-name (ido-completing-read "Shop: " names nil nil nil))
>         (new-prices) (new-names) (new-amounts)
>         (products (assoc-default shop-name shops)))
>      (while (let* ((names (mapcar 'car products))
>                  (name (ido-completing-read "Name: " names))
>                          (amount (read-number "Amount: " 1))
>                  (item (alist-get name products))
>                  (item (if (stringp item) (string-to-number item) item))
>                          (price (read-number "Price: " (or item 2.00))))
>             (setq new-names (append new-names (list name)))
>             (setq new-prices (append new-prices (list price)))           
>             (setq new-amounts (append new-amounts (list amount)))
>             (y-or-n-p "More items? ")))
>      (let* ((-compare-fn (lambda (x y) (equal (car x) (car y))))
>           (new-products (mapcar* 'cons new-names new-prices))
>           (combined-products (-distinct (append new-products products)))
>           (combined-shops (-distinct (append `((,shop-name . 
> ,combined-products)) shops)))
>           (format-string "      expenses:food:%s \t\t%s St @ =€%s")
>           (format-function (lambda (name amount price)
>                              (format format-string name amount price)))
>           (product-lines (mapcar* format-function new-names
>                                            new-amounts new-prices))
>           (shopping-items (s-join "\n" product-lines))
>           (total (reduce '+ (mapcar* '* new-amounts new-prices))))
>        (print-to-file map-file combined-shops)
>        (concat (format "  %(org-read-date nil nil) * %s\n%s"
>                      shop-name shopping-items)
>              (format "\n      assets:bank:chequing\t\t€-%s"
>                              (read-string "Total: " (format "%.2f" 
> total)))))))
> #+end_src
> Any thoughts? It's supposed to output into a org file with a embeded
> ledger src block so you would have to check the alignment if you would
> want to output to a normal ledger file.
> here are the 2 functions from helper.el:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (defun print-to-file (filename data)
>   (with-temp-file filename
>     (let* ((print-length 5000))
>       (prin1 data (current-buffer)))))
> (defun read-from-file (filename)
>   (with-temp-buffer
>     (insert-file-contents filename)
>     (cl-assert (eq (point) (point-min)))
>     (read (current-buffer))))
> #+end_src
> Maybe that's useful for somebody else or somebody wants to suggest other
> features or something. The only thing I would maybe consider to switch
> is to use a json format for the shop-items.txt for the prices for easier
> manual editing.
> that's how I set it up:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> ("s" "(S)hopping" plain
>        (file+function "path/finances.org"
>                       (lambda () ""
>                         (progn (org-babel-goto-named-src-block "balance")   
> (org-babel-goto-src-block-head)(forward-line))))
>        "%[~/capture-templates/template-name]" 
>        :jump-to-captured t
>        :empty-lines-after 1
>        :immediate-finish nil)
> #+end_src         

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