>>> "AG" == Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> writes:

   > Uwe Brauer writes:
   >> Thanks I knew about it, but it seems very sophisticated and column, not
   >> row based.

   > Well, if simple-minded suits you (i.e. the columns are known to have the
   > same order):

   > Tables in Org are lists with rows as their elements, and a row is either
   > a symbol or a list of column elements.  So just concatenating the two
   > lists does (almost) the right thing.  If you know the row has headers,
   > you need to skip until the first real data row in the second table
   > (i.e. skip the first row, the first header and then resume the concat).

   > Your other option is just grabbing the text of both tables, emit it as a
   > single entity (again you may want to remove the header on the second
   > table) and then call org-align-table on it.

Hm, thanks but could you post an example (the one I finally used is
based on R and goes as follows

 #+tblname: TC
 | a | b | c |
 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
 #+tblname: TD
 |  a |  b |  c |
 |  4 |  5 |  6 |
 | 10 | 11 | 12 |

 #+begin_src R :colnames t :var t1=TC t2=TD
 rbind(t1, t2)

 |  a |  b |  c |
 |  1 |  2 |  3 |
 |  7 |  8 |  9 |
 |  4 |  5 |  6 |
 | 10 | 11 | 12 |

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